Available Courses

Please review the following steps before you start the application process:

  1. Choose the course you are applying for.
  2. Carefully review the Important Information for that course.
  3. Download, complete and submit all the required forms to our office: info@pacificflying.com
  4. Payment: Please download the Credit Card Authorization document and bring the completed form to our office.


Additional information: Some courses require additional information. Please make sure to review the requirements of the course you are applying for and have copies of all the necessary documentation ready when submitting your application in person.

Short Contract Courses

Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

Requirements for admission: None

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. Waitlist: Pacific Flying Club currently has a waitlist for flight training. Please fill out the Waitlist application form; once a spot becomes available you will be contacted by an instructor to begin training in the aircraft.Questions regarding the waitlist can be directed to gkaur@pacificflying.com
  2. Ground school: Whilst on the Waitlist you may begin PPL ground school, please indicate you would like to register for the ground school when submitting your payment information to PFC. If you are interested in only ground school you do not need to complete the waitlist form.

Recreational Pilot Permit (RPP)

Requirements for admission: None Please note: Ground School is not required for the Recreational Pilot Permit but is strongly recommended. Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. Waitlist: Pacific Flying Club currently has a waitlist for flight training. Please fill out the waitlist application form; once a spot becomes available you will be contacted by an instructor to begin training in the aircraft.

    Questions regarding the waitlist can be directed to gkaur@pacificflying.com

  2. Ground school: Whilst on the waitlist you may begin PPL ground school, please indicate you would like to register for the ground school when submitting your payment information to PFC. If you are interested in only ground school you do not need to complete the waitlist form.

VFR Over the Top

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. PPL Licence
  2. Valid Aviation Medical

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents with the PTIRU Short Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. Waitlist: Pacific Flying Club currently has a waitlist for flight training. Please fill out the Waitlist Form; once a spot becomes available, you will be contacted by an instructor to begin training in the aircraft.Questions regarding the waitlist can be directed to gkaur@pacificflying.com
  3. Ground school: Whilst on the waitlist you may begin PPL ground school, please indicate you would like to register for the ground school when submitting your payment information to PFC. If you are interested in only ground school you do not need to complete the waitlist form.

Single Engine Instrument Rating (SEIFR)

Minimum requirements for admission:
  1. PPL Licence
  2. Valid Aviation Medical
Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when submitting the PTIRU Short Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. All SEIFR program candidates must get approval from the manager of Multi-Engine Operations prior to enrollment.

    Please contact Marcel Gimenez at 604-946-0011 ext. 234 Mgimenez@pacificflying.com otherwise your application will not be processed.

Multi-Engine Rating

Minimum requirements for admission:
  1. PPL Licence
  2. Valid Aviation Medical
Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Short Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. All Multi-Engine program candidates must get approval from the manager of Multi-Engine Operations prior to enrollment.

    Please contact Marcel Gimenez at 604-946-0011 ext. 234 or Mgimenez@pacificflying.com otherwise your application will not be processed.

Instrument Renewal (IPC)

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. PPL Licence
  2. IFR Rating
  3. Valid Aviation Medical

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Short Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. All IPC program candidates must get approval from the manager of Multi-Engine Operations prior to enrollment.

    Please contact Marcel Gimenez at 604-946-0011 ext. 234 or Mgimenez@pacificflying.com otherwise your application will not be processed.

Long Contract Courses

Night Rating

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. Age 17, High School Transcript or Proof of Completion of 3 years of full-time Secondary or Post Secondary Studies (Where English is the program’s language of instruction)
  2. Private Pilot Licence
  3. Category 1 or 3 Medical
  4. Valid Membership Application
  5. Approval of Executive Director
  6. PTIRU Contract.

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Long Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. Waitlist: Pacific Flying Club currently has a waitlist for flight training. Please fill out the waitlist application form; once a spot becomes available you will be contacted by an instructor to begin training in the aircraft.

    Questions regarding the Waitlist can be directed to gkaur@pacificflying.com

Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. Age 18 or Grade 12, High School Transcript or Proof of Completion of 3 years of full-time Secondary or Post Secondary Studies (Where English is the program’s language of instruction)
  2. Private Pilot Licence
  3. Category 1 Medical
  4. Valid Membership Application
  5. Approval of Executive Director
  6. PTIRU Contract.

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Long Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. Waitlist: Pacific Flying Club currently has a waitlist for flight training. Please fill out the waitlist application form; once a spot becomes available you will be contacted by an instructor to begin training in the aircraft.

    Questions regarding the Waitlist can be directed to gkaur@pacificflying.com

Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MEIFR)

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. Age 18 or Grade 12, High School Transcript or Proof of Completion of 3 years of full-time Secondary or Post Secondary Studies (Where English is the program’s language of instruction).
  2. Private Pilot Licence
  3. Category 1 Medical
  4. Valid Membership Application
  5. Approval of Executive Director
  6. PTIRU Contract

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Long Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. All MEIFR program candidates must obtain approval from the manager of Multi-Engine Operations prior to enrollment.

    Please contact Marcel Gimenez at 604-946-0011 ext. 234 or Mgimenez@pacificflying.com otherwise your application will not be processed.

Instructor Rating

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. Age 19 or Grade 12, High School Transcript or Proof of Completion of 3 years of full-time Secondary or Post Secondary Studies (Where English is the program’s language of instruction).
  2. Commercial Pilot License
  3. Category 1 Medical
  4. Valid Membership Application
  5. Approval of Executive Director
  6. PTIRU Contract

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Long Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. All instructor program candidates must get approval from the manager of Flight Operations prior to enrollment.

    Please contact Paul Harris at 604-946-0011 ext. 234 pharris@paciciflying.com otherwise your application will not be processed.



Minimum requirements:

  1. Valid License
  2. Valid Aviation Medical

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIB Long Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. Prior to renting at Pacific Flying Club you must complete a check ride with an instructor as well as complete the appropriate Checkride Exam for the model of Aircraft you will be renting.

    A Checkride can be booked once you have received your online booking application which you will receive within 2-3 business days of your application. Alternatively, you can call our dispatch team at 604-946-0011 to schedule your initial Checkride.