PFC rentals

Hourly Rental and Instruction Rates by Membership Classification

(Effective February 03 2025)

The Pacific Flying Club offers 3 flying membership options: (1) Voting Members (2) Associate Members and (3) Junior Members.

The fees associated with each membership class are as follows:
Voting Member:$ 195.00 yearly
Junior Member:$ 140.00 yearly
Associate Member:$ 13.95 monthly
Voting/Junior MembersAssociate Members
FacilityRental / SoloCheck RidesRental / SoloCheck RidesDual Everyone
Cessna 152$172$222$184$263*$263*
Cessna 172P/R$191$238$203$282*$282*
Cessna 172SP - G1000$191$238$203$282*$282*
Seneca 1$445*$445*$445*$445*$445*
Al Sim ALX$240$240$240*
Al Sim 250$240$240$240*
Redbird Full Motion FTD$195$195$195*
Ground Briefing,
Private & Commercial
*A premium of $10.00 per hour will be charged on Class I Instructor services.

For Associate Members the monthly membership is not charged in a month where Club services are not utilized.

Please note the above “wet” rate aircraft rental charges are based on a base fuel cost of $1.25 per litre at Boundary Bay Airport.

The Club reserves the right to charge a fuel surcharge when the Boundary Bay Airport price of fuel exceeds $1.25 per litre.

Prices subject to change.