Training - Instructor Rating

Training – Instructor Rating

(Effective February 03 2025)

Tuition Costs (based on training in C-172)

25 Hours dual instruction@ $292/hour$7,300
5 Hours Dual Al Sim 250 instruction@ $250/hour$1,250
25 Hours Ground Briefing$2,225

Incidental Costs

Flight Test, written examination fees and licence processing.$345
Career Training Instructor Rating

Total Instructor Rating Estimated Costs


Students must hold a Commercial Licence and Category 1 Medical. Students are advised that the Instructor Rating requires extensive study and preparation. Students who are not prepared for each briefing will find that their costs increase if they come to briefings unprepared.

Rates include the premium for a Class 1 Instructor with training conducted in a C-172.

As required this program is approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU).

Fuel surcharges will apply where fuel exceeds the base rate at ZBB. Prices subject to change and tax is applied where applicable.

Instructor Rating

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. Age 19 or Grade 12, High School Transcript or Proof of Completion of 3 years of full-time Secondary or Post Secondary Studies (Where English is the program’s language of instruction).
  2. Commercial Pilot License
  3. Category 1 Medical
  4. Valid Membership Application
  5. Approval of Executive Director
  6. PTIRU Contract

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Long Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. All instructor program candidates must get approval from the manager of Flight Operations prior to enrollment.

    Please contact Paul Harris at 604-946-0011 ext. 234 otherwise your application will not be processed.

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