
Training – Commercial Pilot Licence Course

(February 03 2025)

The minimum requirements for a Commercial Licence are 100 hours of pilot in command time and 200 hours total flight time. Students will generally have accumulated approximately 55 hours total flight time (40 hours dual and 15 hours solo) in the completion of their private course. The commercial course requires an additional 65 hours of flight instruction (35 hours dual and 30 hours solo) beyond the issue of the PPL. The remainder of the required flight time can be made up as either dual or solo time as required. The Transport Canada written examination must be completed prior to the flight test. The ground school is 80 hours. The ground school is offered through

Admission Requirements: Age 18 or Grade 12, Category 1 Medical, Private Pilot Licence, Valid Membership Application on file with Club, Approval of the Executive Director, PTIRU Contract signed. (Purchasing a yearly voting membership will reduce solo flying costs by $12 per hour).

Estimated Costs (based on a C-152)

35 Hours dual instruction@ $263/hour$9,205
30 Hours solo instruction@ $184/hour$5,520
5 Hours Ground briefing@ $79/hour$395

Additional Flight Time (Time Building to reach 200 hours total time)

80 Hours solo flight time@ $184/hour$14,720

Incidental Costs

Medical (Cat 1, ECG, X-Ray, Audiogram) & LVC Fees$250
Flight Test$475
Licence Processing Fees & Transport Canada Written Fees$420
PFC Yearly Associate Membership$167.40
Total Incidental Costs$1,462.40

Total Commercial Pilot Licence Estimated Costs

Total Commercial Pilot Licence Estimated Costs$31,302.40

Note: The breakdown of costs is based on the associate membership for an average CPL student completing their PPL in the average time. Build-up time required is dependent on hours currently accumulated. Additional books to prepare for the written examination could add $200 to the costs.

As required this program is approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU)

Fuel surcharges will apply where fuel exceeds the base rate at ZBB. Prices subject to change and tax is applied where applicable.

Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

Minimum requirements for admission:

  1. Age 18 or Grade 12, High School Transcript or Proof of Completion of 3 years of full-time Secondary or Post Secondary Studies (Where English is the program’s language of instruction)
  2. Private Pilot Licence
  3. Category 1 Medical
  4. Valid Membership Application
  5. Approval of Executive Director
  6. PTIRU Contract.

Download, complete and submit the following forms:

Important information:

  1. You will be required to include copies of the following documents when completing the PTIRU Long Contract form:
    • First page of temporary Licence/Aviation Document Booklet
    • A copy of the relevant Licence/Rating for program
    • A copy of your Aviation Medical
  2. Waitlist: Pacific Flying Club currently has a waitlist for flight training. Please fill out the waitlist application form; once a spot becomes available you will be contacted by an instructor to begin training in the aircraft.

    Questions regarding the Waitlist can be directed to